Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Workplace Environment Improvement at Ojuice Company Essay

The Workplace Environment Improvement at Ojuice Company - Essay Example This lack of creativity shows in the products and advertisement which affects the sales and profits. The traditional management paradigm is based on the principle of planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and directing (Fayol, 1917). However, the development in the modern management paradigms has resulted in a key inclusion in the management: Employee involvement (Parr, 1992). The workplace environment in an organization depends on a large extent on the behavior and attitude of the manager. Success of a firm is majorly impacted by the manager’s ability to understand and work with people who have different needs, perceptions, and aspirations (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2004). Managers, who believe in Theory X control, direct and coerce employees, whereas Theory Y managers believe that employees are internally motivated, seek and accept responsibility and are innovative (McGregor, 2002). Involving employees in decision making improves employee satisfaction.   In order to improve the workplace environment at Ojuice, Janice needs to change the work culture in the organization. The first thing that needs to be done is to decentralize decision making by empowering the employees. Management controls shall be set up on the basis of feedback and mentoring. Janice shall invite ideas from employees to improve any aspect of the organization. Ideas that garner maximum number of votes shall be implemented. Managers shall also encourage the culture of innovation amongst the employees. This can be done through conducting outbound sessions on innovation and creativity. Besides, the top management shall regularly communicate to the employees on the company strategy and the path. These communications can be in the form of emails, town-hall meets or lunch with senior management.  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Like alcohol and tobacco drugs should be legalized in america Essay

Like alcohol and tobacco drugs should be legalized in america - Essay Example Drugs should be legalized and this is why. Legalizing drugs would first of all help save many lives. Sometime back alcohol was abhorred in the US to the extent of being banned. The reason given then was that it would be a source of nuisance to society. This did not last long and alcohol was re-legalized. It is worth noting that more good than harm has come from re-legalization of alcohol (Wesley, â€Å"Drug use should be legal in America†). This is because when the drugs are legal, the government will be able to establish regulatory measures as is the case with cigarettes and alcohol. The quantity produced and the selling price can be regulated like they do with alcohol. Drugs would be made following set standards hence manufacturers who make low quality and highly toxic drugs will be driven out of business. The revenue collected in form of taxes from the sale of drugs can be used to provide health services such as rehabilitation of drug addicts. The government will also be able to warn people of harm caused by drugs as it does with alcohol and cigarettes. Anti drug use campaigns can also be funded using the revenues collected. Laws against drug use are the cause of the increasing cases of drug related crimes. Many cities have sections known to be notorious for drug related violence and wars. Rival gangs are known to go to â€Å"war† over drug territories. Persons who also go out to seek drugs are prone to harm. Case in point is some young men who went to buy marijuana from a street gang. In the process of trying to gain the trust of the gang they mistakenly claimed to come from a rival gang. They were immediately stabbed to death as the gang â€Å"protected their territory† (Barnett & Palmer â€Å"Should drug use be legalized?†). If drugs were legal, the youth would have gone to a known legal dealer and bought what they needed. This would have saved their lives. It is the illegality of the drug that encourages the formation of such