Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Agencias para trabajar en cruceros y sueldos de empleos

Agencias para trabajar en cruceros y sueldos de empleos Los cruceros que inician sus viajes en un puerto de Estados Unidos  son una gran fuente de empleo de todo tipo de profesiones y trabajos. Unas 20 millones de personas se embarcan cada aà ±o en este tipo de cruceros para disfrutar sus vacaciones y para servirles las navieras recurren a trabajadores (tripulantes)  de todo tipo de nacionalidades. Agencias para trabajar en cruceros de EE.UU. Entre las principales empresas de cruceros que inician o finalizan sus viajes en  un puerto de Estados Unidos destacan, entre otros, Carnival Cruises Line, Celebrity Cruises, Cunard Line, Disney Cruise Line, Holland America Line, MSC Cruises USA, Norwegian Cruise Line, Princess Cruises. Para conseguir un trabajo en un crucero en ocasiones es posible contactar directamente con la empresa pero frecuentemente delegan el trabajo de seleccionar empleados a agencias con las que trabajan y que pueden estar ubicadas en Estados Unidos o en otros paà ­ses. Las siguientes agencias no cobran dinero a la persona que busca trabajo a cambio de informacià ³n, de entrevistarlo o de embarcarlo. Su negocio est en escoger buenos trabajadores y la empresa de crucero les paga por ello. Por otro lado, algunas pueden brindar cursos para adquirir conocimientos para el trabajo o para mejorar el idioma inglà ©s. Por su ubicacià ³n destacan las siguientes agencias: Argentina: Cauw International Group: Infocauwing.comCrew Cruise: crewcruisegmail.comGlobal Recruitment Agency: Ship Management Agency: 54-11-43-43-4410 Colombia: Ibercoll S.AS. 571-2350023The Seven Seas Group Costa Rica: The Seven Seas Group Espaà ±a: MobicacrewSovren Crew. 34-971-677-375The Seven Seas Group Estados Unidos: The Apollo GroupCTI Recruitment and Placement Agency. 1-954-568-5900. Guatemala: Guatemala Seamans Service Agency: 502-7948- 2016. Honduras: Honduras Seamans Office Srl Mà ©xico: Mexicrew: applymexicrew.comPersohotel International. 988-892-4474. Panam: Panama Marine Services. 507-393-9281 Perà º: CRC Cruise Recruiting Consulting. (51-1) 521-1672. Tipos de empleos en cruceros Pueden encontrarse las siguientes categorà ­as de empleos en los cruceros: Oficiales, como capitn y ayudantes. Es muy comà ºn que todos los oficiales de un barco sean de la misma nacionalidad.   Personal encargado del mantenimiento y buen funcionamiento del barco, son lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como deck and engine room jobs. Las profesiones dentro de esta categorà ­a son muy variadas y requieren distinto tipo de conocimiento, por ejemplo: Mantenimiento (jefe y subordinados), jefe de seguridad, ingeniero jefe y subordinados, electricista, plomero (fontanero), etc. Empleados en labores de diversià ³n, comprende actividades tan dispares como instructores de natacià ³n y gimnasio, trabajadores de casino, guà ­as turà ­sticos, mà ºsicos, disc jockeys, anfitriones y artistas. En esta categorà ­a es muy comà ºn que se requiera tener como idioma materno el inglà ©s o hablarlo a nivel casi nativo. Trabajos relacionados con servicios, incluye desde personal de cocina y comedores a limpiadores de camarotes y empleados de las tiendas. Personal para el cuidado de los turistas, incluye desde mà ©dicos y enfermeras a peluqueras, masajistas y manicuristas, etc. Como regla general, en todos los cruceros el alojamiento y la comida es gratis para todos los miembros de la tripulacià ³n. Finalmente, los contratos suelen ser de unos seis meses, aunque frecuentemente se prorrogan. Sueldos medio de empleos en un crucero Los cruceros que salen o acaban su viaje en un puerto de EE.UU. suelen brindar a sus trabajadores salarios similares, segà ºn datos de, entre otros, Glassdoor e Indeed, son los siguientes: Oficiales: son  puestos de mayor responsabilidad y mejor pagados. Los salarios varà ­an segà ºn la posicià ³n y experiencia. Capitn: entre $6,000 y $10,000 al mesAyudantes del capitn: Entre $5,000 y $7,000 al mesPrimer oficial: Entre $4,000 y $5,000 al mes Profesionales encargados del mantenimiento y buen funcionamiento del barco.  Ejemplos de salarios medios: Oficial de seguridad: de $2,500 a $3,500Handyman  (mantenimiento). Entre $1,800 y $2,500 al mesAyudantes del handyman,  lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como able seaman y hacen labores bsicas de limpieza y reparacià ³n. Entre $1,500 y $1,800.Ingeniero jefe: Entre $5,500 y $8,500Electricista jefe: entre $3,000 y $4,000 al mesElectricista: Entre $2,000 y $2,400 al mesPlomero (fontanero): entre $1,600 y $2,400 Otros tripulantes Un buen nà ºmero de tripulantes contratados en un crucero trabajan en la cocina. Las posiciones son muy variadas, asà ­ como el conocimiento de inglà ©s que se exige y el nivel de experiencia. Los sueldos tambià ©n son muy diferentes. Algunos ejemplos: Chef: como mà ­nimo, $4,000 al mesSous Chef Ejecutivo: a partir de $3,800 al mesSous Chef: entre $3,400 y $5,800 al mes1er cocinero: aproximadamente $2,000  al mes2do cocinero: entre $1,600 y $2,200 al mes3er cocinero: a partir de los $1,400 al mes. Esta posicià ³n y las anteriores requieren un excelente conocimiento del idioma inglà ©sPersonal bsico de cocina: entre $900 y $1,200Personal de limpieza (dishwasher), entre $500 y $600 al mes. Estas dos à ºltimas posiciones pueden ser desempeà ±adas por personas con conocimiento muy bsico del inglà ©s. No se requiere experiencia.Personal de comedores, bares y cafeterà ­as que no tienen un buen conocimiento del inglà ©s o carecen de experiencia como apoyo a camareros,  preparacià ³n de snacks, etc. El sueldo se fija por contrato  suele ir entre los $350 a los $500 a la semana.Gerente de tiendas: a partir de $2,200 al mesVendedor en tienda: a partir de $1,400 al mes Tripulantes con salario y propinas (tips) Trabajan con los clientes y tienen un buen conocimiento verbal del inglà ©s. Tambià ©n es frecuente que para desempeà ±ar este tipo de empleo se pida experiencia en el puesto de trabajo o estudios que lo califiquen. Ejemplos promedio de salarios de propinas, que varà ­an grandemente segà ºn el tipo de barco y recorrido: Mesero/a de barra de bar (Bar Waiter): entre $1,000 y $2,500 al mesAsistente de mesero de comedor (Busboy): entre $1,500 y $3,000 al mesBarman: entre $1,500 y $3,000 al mesMesero/a (camarero) de comedor: $2,500 a $4,000 al mes Como regla general puede decirse que los salarios son superiores al salario mà ­nimo en Estados Unidos. Documentacià ³n para trabajar en un crucero Para trabajar en un crucero que inicia, acaba o viaje tocando un puerto de Estados Unidos es necesario tener un documento que autorice a trabajar. Los trabajadores extranjeros que no tienen una green card pueden solicitar una visa. Puede ser de dos tipos: la D, para miembros de un barco que toca EE.UU. y necesitan trabajar para el funcionamiento del mismo y la C1/D cuando el trabajador necesita ingresar a EE.UU. para embarcar en el crucero en el que va a trabajar. Finalmente, cabe destacar que los trabajadores en cruceros que son estadounidenses o tienen una tarjeta de residencia permanente pagan impuestos en EE.UU. Sin embargo, los extranjeros con visa C1/D no tienen que pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos, si bien hay excepciones en funcià ³n de acuerdos internacionales. Puntos Clave: Cà ³mo conseguir trabajo en un crucero y salarios medios  ¿Cà ³mo conseguir trabajo en un crucero que sale de un puerto de EE.UU.?: contactando directamente con la empresa (en algunos casos) o con una agencia que trabaja con dichas empresas. ¿Quà © no debe hacerse?: no debe pagarse a ninguna agencia por folletos, libros, entrevistas o por embarcar. ¿Es necesario hablar inglà ©s?: sà ­, pero el nivel que se exige depende del tipo de trabajo que se realiza. ¿Cul es el salario medio?: Hay grandes diferencias segà ºn el trabajo que se desempeà ±a. En general, incluso en los peor pagados el sueldo es superior al salario mà ­nimo en EE.UU. Adems, est incluido alojamiento y manutencià ³n y en muchos casos uniforme e incluso lavanderà ­a. ¿Quà © visa se necesita?: Si el crucero solo toca un puerto de EE.UU. es suficiente la visa D. Por el contrario, si es necesario viajar a EE.UU. para embarcarse en el barco en el que se va a trabajar es necesaria la visa C1/D. ¿Se pagan impuestos en EE.UU. si se tiene una visa C1/D?: como re gla general, no se pagan impuestos, salvo acuerdo internacional entre EE.UU. y el paà ­s de origen del trabajador. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Childhood Memories Essay Example

Childhood Memories Essay Example Childhood Memories Paper Childhood Memories Paper Lesson 8 By 1900s the meaning of American identity at home____________ excluded more people than previously Progressive reformers were primarily concerned with____________ making democratic capitalism work better American women of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries found that the settlement house movement_________________ was a good place to use their talents to help society Progressives launched the social purity movement to___________________ attack prostitution and other vices Progressives justified segregation on the grounds that it_________________ provided for a more stable society As a reform governor of California from 1911 to 1917, Hiram Johnson_________________ supported the initiative, referendum, and recall The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire illustrated the_______________ need for government regulation of working conditions Taken together, President Theodore Roosevelts actions in the anthracite coal strike of 1902 and the dissolution of Northern Securities in 1904 demonstrated that the government________________ intended to act independently of big businesses The Federal Reserve Act of 1913______________________ was the most significant piece of domestic legislation in Wilsons presidency Progressive reform illustrates that___________________________ legislation makes a difference Lesson 9 President Wilsons foreign policy was based on_____________ his belief in moral duties The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 led to a war in Europe because___________________ of military, economic, and political rivalries In exchange for it neutrality in World War I, the United States insisted on______________ free trade with all nations at war After the Germans sank the Lusitania, President Wilson______________________ threatened a break in diplomatic relations with Germany The immediate cause of President Wilsons decision to ask Congress for a declaration of war against Germany in 1917 was_____________________ German submarine attacks on American vessels in the sea lanes to Great Britain Progressive management of World War I at home was illustrated by all of the following EXCEPT_______________ businesses were all nationalized The committee on Public Information was created by President Wilson to_______________ stir up patriotism through posters, pamphlets, cartoons, and press releases Arrival of American troops on the front lines in 1918 was critical because they provided all of the following EXCEPT______________________ messages demanding unconditional surrender The Versailles treaty was a bitter disappointment to President Wilsons supporters, but his Fourteen Points were honored in the inclusion of___________________ the League of Nations The Red scare of 1919 and 1920 was a_______________________ reaction to labor unrest, Russian Bolshevism, and terrorist attacks Lesson 10 In general the 1920s can be characterized as a period which________________ new values clashed with old values The Republican administrations of the 1920s believed that__________________ business regulation should be kept to a minimum Fordism implies all of the following EXCEPT____________________ auto workers are better off with strong union representation One key element in the expansion of the consumer culture in the 1920s was_______________ commercial advertisement on radio broadcasts The Harlem Renaissance is a term that refers to_______________________ black American intellectuals and artists who stressed self-confidence The National Origins Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reid) had the effect of___________________ restricting the number and type of immigrants who could enter America The Ku Klux Klan gained support in the 1920s because of_____________________________ reaction to immigration and urbanization The trial and eventual execution if Sacco and Vanzetti symbolized__________________ the anti-foreign hysteria of much of the 1920s The Scopes Trial ended with_____________________________ deep divisions between still apparent between rural and urban America Herbert Hoover won the presidential election of 1928 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT___________ Republican control of inner city voters Lesson 11 When Herbert Hoover moved into the White House in 1929, the U. S. economy was marked by______________ a huge disparity in wealth between the rich and poor One of the biggest weaknesses of the stock market in the 1920s was_______________ over extension of credit On the international level, the Great Depression deepened when the_______________ industrial nations raised protective tariffs As the United States slipped into the Great Depression in the early 1930s, President Hoovers most generous response was to lend government funds to__________________ American banks, insurance companies, and railroads Those hardest hit by the Great Depression were_______________ the unemployed, tenant farmers, and sharecroppers In the video, The Great Depression, Professor David Kennedy observes that the tendency of Americans in the 1930s to blame themselves for the depression illustrates the_____________ dark underside of the American value of individualism The outcome of a protest by three thousand farmers who dumped thousands of gallons of milk into ditches during the Great Depression was______________ an increase in the publics awareness of farmers grievances During the Great Depression__________ socialist and communist groups attracted more American members Lesson 12 All of the following were priorities of Roosevelt when he first took office EXCEPT__________ civil rights legislation to end the practice of lynching The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation____________________ guaranteed bank customers that the federal government would reimburse them for the deposits f their bank failed The Civilian Conservation Corps was developed by the Roosevelt administration to__________________ give young men jobs on conservation projects During his first Hundred Days in office, President Franklin D. Roosevelt_________________ gave hope to the American people Although government allotments under the Agricultural Adjustment Act greatly benefited some farmers, the program did not address the needs of_______________ tenant farmers and sharecroppers The Works Progress Administration, which operated from 1935 to 1943______________ generated jobs for thirteen million unemployed men and women After a confrontation at the AFL convention in 1935______________ John L. Lewis proceeded to organize the CIO. The Social Security Act of 1935 provided___________________ old-age pensions, aid for dependent children, and unemployment insurance The New Deal Political Coalition consisted of all of the following EXCEPT_______________ business executives One of the most impressive achievements of the New Deal was __________________ that the United States did not need to abandon democracy to confront the nations economic crisis Lesson 13 Roosevelts good neighbor policy was designed to_____________ replace the countrys often belligerent relationship with Latin America with a more cooperative one In the video, Road to War Professor Calvin L. Christman makes the point that Adolf Hitler wanted war in the 1930s in order to do all of the following EXCEPT____________ gain control over oil supplies in the Middle East The Lend-Lease Act of 1941 was calculated to___________________ make armaments available to Britain The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was part of the Japanese plan to____________ knock out American naval bases in the Pacific Internment of Japanese Americans___________ left deep psychological wounds on those detained During World War II, members of ethnic minorities in America___________ fought in large numbers in the armed forces By the end of the war, the nations efforts to mobilize the economy had resulted in______________ all of the above-more jobs than workers to fill, manufacturing plants operating at full capacity, a federal budget of more than $100 billions In authorizing the Committee on Fair Employment Practices, President Roosevelt______________ risked offending his southern political allies In the video, Road to War, a theme common to people remembering World War II was________________ spirit of sacrifice Lesson 14 Allied strategists in World War II decided to______________ concentrate on their forces against the Germans first The Allies insisted on unconditional surrender of the enemy in World War II because they__________ thought a mistake was made by not doing so in World War I A contentious issue among the Allied leaders during the early years of the war centered around___________ establishing a second front against Germany The outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad was significant because______________ Russia could now go on the offensive against the Germans The primary significance of Operation Overload and D-Day was that it_____________ opened a second front against Hitlers forces One of the keys to Allied victory over Germany was________________ maintaining effective coordination of their strategy throughout the war All of the following help explain the lack of vigorous action by Franklin Roosevelts administration regarding the plight of European Jews EXCEPT_________________ persecution of the Jews was unknown until the death camps were liberated The Battle of Midway was significant because it________________ allowed the United States to go on the offensive in the Pacific The Japanese defense of Okinawa included the use of_____________ kamikaze pilots The primary reason for using the atomic bombs on Japan was to_____________ force Japan to surrender without an Allied invasion One of the most significant results of World War II was that_____________ the United States emerged as a superpower

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sources of Communication Inputs and Their Influences in Daily Life Essay

Sources of Communication Inputs and Their Influences in Daily Life - Essay Example The only thing in this world that is constant is change. This is a pretty well known saying which existed as long as I can remember. Looking back 50 years and more from today, I can recall how we used to tackle in class about how people have lived centuries ago. Today, the upsurge of developments in technology has an undeniable effect on how organizations function within and with other institutions. For an organization, its success and failure greatly depends on how the organization was structured to work. The drive to improve peoples living pattern is still the same drive or factor which triggers international firms to globalize their operations and with that, today's latest technology makes the company's and consumers life easier It enable companies to reduce cost by using powerful equipment and machineries while consumers can have easier access to the newest products in the market. One of the first innovations of technology was the mainframe system and it was during the 1960's that computers and such started to impart in organizations and firms. The classic ways of hierarchal management systems started to disintegrate during these times. Through technological change, globalizing the operations of an international company could put up a plantation where they can reduce their labor cost. Not denying the fact that different people from different countries have different tastes, international companies could also personalize their products according to the consumers or markets preferences without eliminating their standards and trademark. Before, information control was basically handled by those in managerial positions in a linear manner according to rank. With these systems of technology, information was handled as such that company transparency is relatively existent for those who can get hold of certain information. The onslaught of developments in technology has triggered organizational structure alterations. These changes can be illustrated by considering two key variables: the location of information and the location of decision rights in the organization (Brynjolfsson E. and H. Mendelsson). With the innovative technological systems today, important information can now possibly be available to all employees or workers in an organization at all level. Before, information handling and privilege was limited to the persons that directly handle them. Now, the responsibility of handling information is left to information technologists or technicians. The technicians then put data or information into databases which are accessible to all components of the organization For example, an organization can have a website, regularly maintained and updated by professional information technologists. Here, employees, managers and customers alike, can log on to the website and access whatever information they needed. Furthermore, having websites is also a great advantage since helpful feedbacks are easier to get from both customers and employees. The growing need for technology innovations paves way to strengthening certain industries in a corporate world; like data management services, computer engineers, information technologists, software designers or engineers and so on and so forth. Although there are still organizations or companies that are hesitant to use information techn

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How does Robert Grave's The naked and the nude (1957) use concrete Essay

How does Robert Grave's The naked and the nude (1957) use concrete diction in order to draw a distinction between the naked and the nude - Essay Example Nevertheless, the heart of the poem is the controversy between the naked and the nude. The first and probably initial meaning of nakedness is anatomical, as in the following synecdoche: "The Hippocratic eye will see In nakedness, anatomy" (ls. 3-4), but the secret meaning of the term is freedom, absence of shame and ignorance of scorn. Nudity, thus, points to the 'social' meaning of nakedness: "deficiency of dress" (4), prohibited and scorned by most people. The nude should be understood as those blaming and judging the naked with religious or moral values: "They grin a mock-religious grin Of scorn at those of naked skin" (17-18). Another meaning of nakedness is therefore the reception of scorn and hatred, addressed to both nudity and nakedness as indecent. When the person is nude, they feel themselves an anatomical pattern, a body, similar to other human bodies of the same gender, whereas nakedness indicates that each body is a unique and exceptional piece of art, as in the followin g metaphor : "And naked shines the Goddess when She mounts her lion among men" (11-12).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Patton-Fuller Hospital Essay Example for Free

Patton-Fuller Hospital Essay Patton-Fuller Hospital is a community hospital that has remained aiding the community since the year 1975. Yearly examinations have been conducted by self-governing audits to review this years financial performance in comparison to preceding years. The financial statement review highpoints the alteration between the audited and unaudited reports classifies the association amongst revenue resources and expenses, despite the fact defining the assets of revenue sources on recording. Financial statement assessments subsidize an excessive level accounting of the statistics controlled in the audit. Financial statements of audited and unaudited statements contain the same type of statistics. Patton-Fuller Community hospital conducts audits agreement with auditing ethics in the United States. Self-governing Auditors ensure audited the balance sheet of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital as of December 31 of 2009 and 2008. The audited balance sheet reports the assets for 2009 which a sum of $587,767. The audited balance sheet reports the whole assets for 2008 of a total $548,535. The upsurge from 2008 to 2009 is 39,232. Liability total for 2009 is $ 462,153. The liability volume for the year 2008 is $213,450. This was a rise from 2008 to 2009 and the amount of the growth is $248,703. The entire equity and liabilities for 2009 is $587,767 and 2008 $548,535. This is an upturn from 2008 to 2009 with $ 39,232. In 2009 the total revenues show for $ 462,982 and then for 2008 $ 42,314. This total increase from 20o8 and 2009 is $41,668 according to the audited revenue and expenses annual report. The increase of $25,869 from 2008 to 2009 is shown from the audited revenue and expenses annual report. The year 2009 had $463,293 and 2008 had $437,424. The effects of revenue can be seen on the financial reporting by the fluctuations versus the expenses. From year to year you can see the fluctuation in revenue for the hospital. The revenues and expenses are grouped together by total revenues, total expenses, and net income. The total revenues include net patient revenues and other revenues. The total expenses include salaries and benefits, supplies, utilities, and depreciation. The net income shows the non-operating income (loss) as well as the investment income. By grouping the revenues and expenses it will help with separation and looking at the reports. The Patton Fuller Community Hospital’s revenue comes from a  variety of sources, this includes net patient revenue and other different types of revenue. The revenue has definitely increased from 2008. When comparing the revenue received by the hospital to its operating expenses the difference lies in what revenue items are included in each ratio formula. In 2008 the total operating revenue is less than the total operating expenses therefore; the hospital operated at a loss and gave them a negative operating margin. In 2009 the total operating revenue exceeds the total operating expenses therefore; the hospital had a profit that year. As a result there was a positive operating margin. The way in which a hospital’s revenues and expenses are grouped for planning and control varies from hospital to hospital. At Patton-Fuller Community Hospital, the expenses are grouped by salaries and benefits, supplies, interest, and a lot more. During salaries, the staff of the hospital must be paid for the work they do. Members of the staff (therapist or surgeons) have a highly qualified job in which they have spent more time in education which causes them to have higher wages. During benefits, there are hospitals who offer benefits for the employee and their family with a discount. This can be very expensive for the hospital. The hospital needs supplies in order to fulfill their duty and many of the supplies are expensive as well as cheap. Because the hospital has to order the supplies in large quantities, it becomes very expensive. Interest is another expensive thing that the owners of the hospital have to deal with. With the hospital building costing so much, it leads to the owners taking a big mortgage out to pay for the building. When a mortgage is being taking out, interest develops. Another reason for an interest to develop is a loan to buy high price technology or machinery. There are many ways that Patton- Fuller Community Hospital grouped for planning and control for revenues and expenses. Inclusive the analysis of the financial statement originate many constructive results and the audited information and unaudited information enclosed the equivalent data. The revenue sources ensured a confident influence on the hospital and will lead to forthcoming development. Patton-Fuller Hospital Revenue review did not disclose any concealed problems. Financial managers need to carry on making assessments of the daily actions. Reference Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. Retrieved July 14, 2014 from

Friday, November 15, 2019

How children become gendered adults

How children become gendered adults At birth we are identified as male /female through biological factors, whereas our gendered identity is produced through how female /male we feel, and our gendered role is nurtured through our cultural environment and social beliefs. The nature side of the debate suggests that our gender is decided at the same time as our sex, and our behaviour differences are instinctive and have helped us survive. The differences are mostly put down to the way our bodies and brains differ. Our chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs put us in one gender category. However it does not explain how there is different gender roles across different cultures hence ignores how gender roles could be learnt. Nurture helps explain our development within our cultured environment, and life experiences prepare us for our gendered adulthood. Environmental theories highlight how culture affects the individual, social learning theorists suggest that our gender is learnt, and challenges the nature point of view that it is innate. When we are born our sexual organs decide what gender we are, and our parents and culture influence our gender identity through learnt behaviours. Males and females are treated differently from birth; parents are powerful role models in the early years and expectations of appropriate behaviour for the childs gender can be rewarded or punished, thus a child will be more likely to repeat the rewarded behaviour which helps reinforce what is considered acceptable behaviour for the childs gender. As a child develops and grows they gain an understanding of gendered behaviours through their social environment, developing an understanding of gender identity. They learn to identify particular behaviours appropriate to their gender and will model and imitate through reinforcement, association with same sex p arent, and same sex models, and it is ongoing throughout their childhood and on into adolescence. (Smith 2002) Criticisms to this are that when a baby is born the way it is treated by adults is influenced by its sex. A study done by Will, Self and Datan in 1976 shows that when the same baby is dressed in blue/ pink adults behave differently to it. Children tend to model their behaviour on the same sex parent and learn what is most appropriate for their gender, leading to praise which reinforces their identity, they can also imitate their same sex models behaviour through play and toys. In todays society children are often raised by one-parent families and this theory does not allow for the fact that these children may be being brought up by a different sex model yet still continue to behave in their gendered role through dress and encouragement of appropriate/ behaviour regardless of having anyone to model it on. It can be criticised for placing too much importance on particular models behavioural influences and losing site of the childs individual personality by portraying children as a pass ive part of the process and ignores individual motivation and self-regulation Cognitive development was developed by Piaget believing that our gender identity develops first and then children pay attention to same sex role models. Kohlberg went on to suggest there are three main stages to gender identity that children go through; gender identity (up to three years) where the child can identify their sex but are not aware that it is fixed and cannot change. Gender stability, (three five years) where the child is aware that their gender is fixed but still make assumptions of peoples gender by clothes and hairstyles. Gender constancy (six years onwards) where the child is aware of their gender regardless of peoples appearance. (Stainton Rogers, 2001). When gender constancy is reached Kohlberg believes that children pass through cognitive development stages and acquire gender related behaviours by developing gender identity. Although cross cultural studies support the Kohlbergs stages through this theory children can describe themselves as boys or girls and know how to choose gender associated toys and activities before they can relate to gender sexual differences. It supports that gender recognition happens before gender identity becomes fixed. Weakness of this theory suggests that it solely takes stages of development into account, placing little importance on the role of biology, emotion, social environment or culture. It also does not account as to why masculinity and femininity are valued by society differently. (Haralambos.M, 2002) Sandra Benn says that it fails to explain why sex has dominance other potential categories such as race, religion and eye colour. (Stainton Rogers, 2001) In conclusion one thing both theories have in common is that they rely on observation and identification children have with members of the same sex. The differences Kohlberg believed that as a result of three stages of gender identity a child goes through, the child develops a gender recognition through cognitive understanding to his/her gender and gender roles. Bandura social learning theory suggested that childrens gender identity was done through socialization rather than biology and that childrens behaviour is seen to be learned from their society through process of reinforcement and modelling. Gendered behaviours can be learned through reinforcement and we are more likely to copy behaviour if we have seen others rewarded for that same behaviour. . I believe that both social learning theorist and cognitive development theorists oversimplify gender identity, although both agree that society and culture have some influence over gender identity, it is difficult to accurately assume that the role of socialisation alone produces gender identity as they do not take in to consideration the biological factors of chromosomes, hormones and sexual organs in the development of gender identity or roles. Both biology and socialization play a part in our understanding of our gendered identities and roles in our cultures. (973 words) Works Cited Haralambos.M, R. F. 2002. Psychology in Focus for A Level . Lancashire: Causeway Press. Maccoby. E.E, J. C. 1974. The Psychology of Sex Differences, (as reported in various commentaries). Stanford: Stanford University Press. Stainton Rogers, R. R. 2001. the Psychology of Gender and Sexuality. Berkshire: Open University Press. Unkown. 2007. About Gender. Retrieved January 3, 2010, from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

African American and Ebonics Essay

What if all of America spoke in Ebonics? â€Å"What up cuz† or â€Å"Holla at me. † That would be crazy right? Sharice, Travis, Rickia, and I did a report on the evidence for the critical element of the Oakland school board proposal and the convention that temporary African American Vernacular Forms (AAV) of speaking show strong influence from West-African languages. The Oakland school board proposed to the state that the kids learning will be improved with the recognition and understanding of Ebonics. My article came from the internet, and it is titled â€Å"A Case of Ebonics. † Ebonics is a critical language, with powerful elements of a distinct language, spoken by many Americans of African descent, a language marked by a long and rich history. While most other languages are restricted to specific geographical regions, Ebonics is a way of speaking shared by a large percentage of African-Americans living everywhere in the United States. Ebonics has been branded as a poor form of Standard English. Some think of it as lazy lips and lazy thinking. Because Ebonics held on to many leftover characteristics from West African languages, there has been debate as to whether it is a language of American English or another language altogether. Ebonics has a long history that began in Africa. It started when people from many different African villages were brought to American slave markets. The slave owners often purposely mixed the slaves by tribe so that they could not communicate directly in the language of a single tribe. For them to communicate with each other, the slaves developed a pidgin language, a mixture of various African languages. Over the centuries, this early pidgin blended with aspects of â€Å"Standard English† to form â€Å"Black English† but it still has many of the features of its ancestor. That is, many of the unique forms of Ebonics can be identified as leftovers of West African languages. For example some researchers say that the word for cat in several African languages also means â€Å"man. † For this reason our expression â€Å"cool cat† is derived from Ebonics. Despite these differences, Ebonics is a language that fully serves the needs of its users. Its grammar is just as complicated as Standard English. It’s just a different grammar. The meaning of â€Å"He didn’t do nothing† is perfectly understood by all Ebonics speakers, and by standard English speakers as well. A man by the name of Ishmael Reed makes clear the use of Ebonics indicates neither a lack of education nor an inability to speak in other tongues: â€Å"You not gone make me give up Black English. When you ask me to give up Black English you askin me to give up my soul. But for reasons of commerce, transportation, and hassle less mobility in everyday life, I will talk to 411 in the language both the operator and I can understand† (Lederer 4). I agree with Reed that everyone needs to learn and master Standard English to have the best chance to succeed in America. In certain contexts, someone (like a manager) might make a judgment about the way we black people talk. If we want to become successful we must learn Standard English. I hope that the movement of correction for Ebonics movement will work against the widespread disrespect of the way most African-American youth talk. People should be less defensive about the language in which we live and move and maybe we can better position to employ both the Ebonics and the standard codes and to reap the full fruits of our American civilization. If people were less defensive about Ebonics maybe then we as people could associate Standard English with Ebonics. And with all of this we could reap the full fruits of our American civilization.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mental Health Nursing Essay

Case Study Report Jamelia I am so tired and drained. I feel as though my head is going to explode with all this pressure. You see I’ve been looking after my mother for a long time, she suffers from anxiety, the illness comes and goes, presenting itself periodically. Although I do worry about my mother I can usually deal with this, I have been for a long time but recently I’ve found myself worrying about my father as well. My father, usually a well presented and calm individual has been acting very strangely the past few weeks. I went round to visit my parents and check my mother was alright and he looked extremely unkempt, he looked as though he hadn’t shaved in a while, and he was wearing dirty clothes. I tried to keep things as light hearted as possible when I asked him why this was and out of nowhere he became extremely angry and defensive which is very unlike him. My mother has been telling me recently that she thinks he’s ‘losing his marbles’ as she puts it, but to be honest I just put this down to her own illness as this is often how it starts, my mother becomes worried about family members and friends when it’s really her who we need to worry about. I kind of put my father to the back of my mind for a few weeks and tried to concentrate on looking after my two children, which is a handful in itself, but then out of the blue at whatever time in the morning the phone rang, a police officer on the phone, she told me how my father had been found roaming around the street not an hour before, in his pyjamas no less. I was mortified, so angry at my father for his behaviour, but the police officer was very reassuring and advised me it might be a good idea to get in touch with my father’s GP, which I did and he put in a referral to the Community Psychiatric Nurse. I think he’s coming round during the week sometime to visit us. I honestly don’t know what else I can do, I am so stressed and run down by this whole thing I haven’t stopped crying, I just hope the CPN can do something to help, or at least give us some idea what the matter is so I can sleep at night. Community Psychiatric Nurse I received a referral from the GP recently asking for me to carry out an assessment on a Mr Hamed Khan who has been displaying behaviours that are a bit out of the ordinary, I also received a police report stating Mr Khan had been picked up for wandering around in his pyjamas in the early hours of the morning. There are many things that I have to rule out before I jump to the obvious conclusion which would be some kind of dementia, the rate at which I believe Mr Khan seems to have deteriorated at is staggering so if Mr Khan is suffering from dementia I would probably sway towards Lewy Body dementia, although, of course, I cannot make assumptions. I will wait until I meet with the family, i will ask them all questions, the majority will be aimed at Mr Khan to answer but I need to see it from everyone’s viewpoint and everyone will be entitled to join in any discussions we carry out providing Mr Khan is happy and willing for this to happen, then based on my observations and the answers i get from the family i will arrange some further tests to get a proper, medical diagnosis, if need be. Before i send Mr Khan for further assessment I will need to ensure a Urine Sample has been taken so we can rule out any kind of Urinary Tract Infection which could be the cause of any confusion Mr Khan has suffered from recently, this is quite often the case in older people they tend to get anxious and confused and this can, and often is mistaken for some kind of dementia. When I go out to visit the family i will ensure they are happy with having a male CPN, and I will meet all their requirements for this visit and all further visits, if necessary. Of course it won’t just be myself working to help the Khan family i will be just one member of a multi disciplinary team who will each have their own role in helping and supporting the Khan family. Sunita’s Needs Meeting Sunita’s needs is paramount in ensuring she is fulfilling her full potential. Sunita’s basic human needs have to be met. Sunita needs to feel loved, at the moment this may be lacking because everyone else is so worried about Hamed that Sunita may be being overlooked. Sunita needs to make sure she maintains her self-esteem, suffering from anxiety herself she needs to make sure she is looking after herself by making time for herself and not worrying about others too much. They say knowledge is power so it might empower Sunita if she was able to learn more about her anxiety, the causes, and all treatment options available so she can make a decision and choose how she would like to manage her illness. Sunita has the right to choose exactly what her own care plan will include, by getting involved in the whole process so it is geared to suit her as an individual and means she can still carry out activities she enjoys which can help her recovery. Hamed’s Needs No matter what the diagnosis Hamed’s needs are all very important, safety is extremely important particularly due to the night wandering and forgetfulness. Hamed needs to feel loved and respected as the head of the household regardless of his illness as this will help his self esteem, his appearance is an important part of this as well. As we have heard Hamed is normally well dressed and clean shaven, and we have to make sure this continues so Hamed still feels as normal as possible, a home carer may be an option to help Hamed get ready in the morning if he feels he would benefit from this. Every decision in relation to the care plan Hamed will be making himself as much as possible providing he is still able to do this and if not an advocate can be appointed, Hamed always has the right to choose. Hamed’s needs will be assessed using different tools of assessment, these could be shared activities, observations as well as meetings, using more than one method will ensure the care plan is as comprehensive as possible and meeting every need Hamed has, in a way he is happy with. Hamed’s physical needs will be met by encouraging him to continue doing physical activities he has enjoyed in the past. Socialising is a very important need, Hamed may be interested in going to a club or even attending a support group where he will meet and interact with people that he perhaps has something in common with. Stress factors for Jamelia There may be several different things which could be causing Jamelia to feel stressed. First of all she has to look after two young children with very little practical, hands on help from her husband. Jamelia also feels obligated to care for her mother when she is suffering from a bout of anxiety. Seeing someone you love and care for being distressed and worried is definitely going to be weighing on Jamelia’s mind. During the times when Sunita is unwell Jamelia is having to look after her mother as well as finding time to spend with her children which probably means Jamelia is feeling guilty, perhaps Jamelia feels she is neglecting her children because she has to look after her mother, all these conflicting emotions will cause a great deal of pressure on Jamelia. Even when Sunita is well, Jamelia has to deal with constant phone calls which may be waking her during the night, lack of sleep may be a contributing factor to the way Jamelia is feeling. As if this wasn’t enough for Jamelia to deal with she also now has to help with her father who is getting forgetful, confused and acting out of the ordinary. Hamed, who is normally a calm, strong man is changing in front of her eyes at an alarming rate, and is perhaps hard to recognise. Juggling so many things, Jamelia is probably not eating properly and not taking care of herself or making any time for herself. Support available for Jamelia, as a carer. There are many organisations out there who can offer practical and financial help to Jamelia as a carer. First of all Jamelia is entitled to a carer’s assessment. The law states that â€Å"anyone who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis can have a carer’s assessment. † A carers assessment will look at how Jamelia is affected by caring for her family, how much caring she can, practically, do while still having a life of her own, and having time for her children. There is also the option of getting someone else to care for Hamed and Sunita if and when Jamelia needs a break this can be in form of respite care, which comes in many different forms, for example, residential care where Hamed and Sunita can go for a short stay in a residential nursing home, as well as being good for Jamelia it could help meet the social side of Hamed and Sunita’s care plan as they will be meeting other people. There are day-sitting services which can be used for a couple of hours during the day, giving Jamelia a break, or a night- sitting service helping Jamelia get a proper night’s sleep. Financial help is available to help fund this particular help from local authorities and local councils in form of vouchers or direct payments. Word Count – 1675.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Forms of School Violence essay

buy custom Forms of School Violence essay This chapter forms the main body of the thesis. It includes the means of data collection as well as the methods used to collect the relevant information. Basically the chapter is very detailed containing views from different authors who have been consulted in writing this paper. The views of different people about the same concept have been brought forth in this paper. The research question has been critically analyzed in this section of the thesis. School violence has significant negative influence on the general well being and health of the young people who include adolescents and children. Despite the clear negative effects of this practice the government, parents and institutions of learning havent done much in preventing the vice. Some of the extreme cases include the Columbine high School shoot out as well as Virginia Technical shootings. The much that the governments have done is to implement policies which will reduce the violence that is being experienced though the policies have mixed reviews. Because of the rampant violence that is being experienced learning institution has been forced to address even the lowest form of violence that is exhibited by the students (Council of Europe 2003). School related homicide is a rare thing though from the research that was conducted the results indicated that about a third of all high school students might have been involved in a fight at least ones. And the same ratio of all senior students admitted they are involved in some frequent fights as well as bullying behavior. Research also revealed that homicide student perpetrators were more likely to be bulled by the other students. On the overall communities and schools can only be better served if violence incidence greatly diminishes and this can only be possible if there is eradication of school environment that nurtures hostility. School violence is a very complex issue though less has been done to improve the situation. Some of the factors that have been accepted by many are that school violence interferes with the general health and well being of school going children. The violence that occurs at high school and other institutions of learning greatly affects the performance of the students. The definition of school violence is not clear making its prevention difficult. There is a department in North Carolina that majorly deals with school violence issues. School violence can basically be defined as a character which hinders the mission of the school. Therefore schools are supposed to be free from disorder, drugs, disruptions, property as well as weapons that might cause havoc. A good example of school violence is bullying, shooting, assaults and fighting these practices can happen within the school or even outside the school (Furlong 2004). Other forms of school violence include students bringing some harmful component like drugs at school, vandalism, sexual harassment, robbing and carrying of handheld weapons at the school premises. The common types of violence are bullying and fighting and such practices can even be seen at the elementarylevel. Many of the students who engage in such practice have an objection of dominating or annoying their fellow students. Another factor that causes violence at school is gang rivalry. The environment plays an important role in smuggling drugs in school. For example local gang members are the people who supply high school students with drugs. Therefore an environment made of gangs will influence the school negatively. One of the most difficult issues to be handled by the school administration is sexual harassment. This is a common characteristic in schools that are located in rural and sub-urban localities. Most of the sexual harassment cases are treated with much privacy in order to protect the school image. Students also engage in vandalism of the properties of other as a form of fun though its violence. Shoot out occurs at school when some students illegal possess weapons. Therefore there are a wide range of violence that happens at schools and because of this wide range it is a times hard to solve the underlying issues (Furlong, 2004). School violence has become rampant in American schools and as a result the secure learning environment has been modified. For these reasons there is need for proper preventive measures to be taken by the parents in order to secure the future of their children. Violence at school tends to strongly damage the schools atmosphere in that people might fear enrolling to such schools in fear of being attacked. On the other hand actions of violence majorly spoil a childs future since students who are busy hurting others rarely concentrates on their studies which is the grant for a bright future. Most of the times such students tend to have lost all interest in pursuing their academic dreams. Students who are generally violent seem to be a great issue to other students and as a result students who are not troublesome may fail to come to school. Children who go through bullying are emotionally and socially affected and as a result their dreams and visions are tempered with. For instance there have been a number of children who committed suicide because they could no more handle the bullying that other students were doing to them. Parents are not at peace when they realize that their children are victims of school violence or initiators of violence at schools. Therefore such a practice causes much pain and discomfort to a parent who is raising such a child (Roberts, 2005). The future development of a nation is greatly interfered with when students shifts from concentrating on their class work to violent behavior and actions. Some of the children who commit such crimes end up in prison and most of the times they are expelled from the school meaning that their education is cut off. On the other hand the image of a nation is damaged when the best its young people can do is take part in violence. For these reason the economy of a country greatly stagnates. Innocent lives have been lost as a result of the violence that has occurred at school. Shoot out cause death of children who had great futures. Finally the image of the school is greatly tintedd when its students take part in illegal behaviors. As a result of this parents may in the near future fear admitting their children to a school with such a record. Therefore its the responsibility of every sensible person as well as the state to fight this practice. For the future of students to be secured we all have a responsibility of stopping violent practices at our learning institutions. We can rescue our future economy if this issue will be handled diligently with much care. Therefore parents, teachers and the community have a corporate responsibility of instilling love and care in our children in order to prevent school violence from happening. There are a number of ways in which a school can breed violence and the environment that a child is brought up plays an important role in shaping the child and his overall character. For instance when a child is raised in an environment of violence the chances of such a child taking part in violent actions at school is very high (Roberts 2005). A culture that has been developed about schooling is where the child is forced to attend school by a parent and besides that when at school the teacher further control and monitor what a child is expected to do at a given time. Children are conditioned by set rules for instance they are not allowed to move around, speak and finally not allowed to express themselves; no creativity at that moment. It therefore appears as if these children have been tied to some kind of prison. By the fact that human beings are created to socialize closely means that there are problems that can emerge as a result of such strict environment. Children therefore tend to form their own defense mechanisms in order to guard their territories as well as property. Attacks therefore come as a result of privacy and individual identity shortage. For these reason many of the violent actions that have been witnessed at our schools is as a result of the conditioned school environment. The school administration has a tendency of initiating rules in order to restrict the actions of the students therefore when the rules have been greatly restricted students tend to rebel. This rebellion is what mainly causes the violence. The school environment, community and home environment has a great influence on school violence (Remboldt, 1994). A child that has been brought up by a violent father or from a violent home tends to practice the same behavior that he sees at home in school. On the other hand if the surrounding community is made up of gangsters there is a way in which the youngsters will be influenced by the happenings around them. Its important for the school administration to instill discipline and also ensures that the prevailing school atmosphere will create a good learning atmosphere as opposed to unacceptable behavior. These three environments play a great role in nurturing high school students. For these reason we should create environment which ensures privacy and protection as well as learners comfort. Besides physical environment aggressive psychological environments should be avoided. Buy custom Forms of School Violence essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Russia between 800-1584 essays

Russia between 800-1584 essays The history of Russia began many centuries ago. By the 800s Slavic groups had founded many towns in what is now the European part of Russia and Ukraine, of which the two most important once are Novgorod and Kiev (1). In 882 a Viking chieftain named Oleg, captured the city of Kiev, situated on the Dnepr River. Kiev became the capital of the state Kievan Rus, and extended from the lakes north of Novgorod to south of Kiev. Kievan Rus became an important power and was recognized as a cultural and commercial center. It had a flourishing trade with the Bezantine Empire, with Constantinople as its capital, as well as with western European and Asian states. The ruler of Kiev came to be called Grand prince and ranked above the other princes of Kievan Rus followed by the retainers of the prince, the druzhina. With the evolution of the Kievan state the retainers of the prince and the regional nobility fused into a single group named the boyars. The chief Kievan political institutions were the o ffice of prince, the duma or council of the boyars, and the veche or town assembly, which have been linked to monarchic, aristocratic, and democratic aspects of the Kievan state. In both justice and administration the prince occupied the key position. The Kievan Russsians had two religions in succession: paganism and Christianity. In about 988, Grand Prince Vladimir of Kievan Rus accepted Eastern Orthodox Christianity from Bezantines. (4) The other East Slavs soon followed and a Christian civilization developed (2). Church in Kievan Russia obtained vast holdings of land and pre-empted such fields as charity, healing the sick, and sheltering travelers, in addition to its specifically religious functions. The Church also occupied a central position in education, literature, and the arts. Mosaics, frescoes and icon-painting flourished in Kievan Russia. Even a brief account of Kievan culture indicates the variety of foreign influences which it ex...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Employment Law uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment Law uk - Essay Example Besides, the fact that Bruce is a friend motivated Cathy to dismiss Abe without carrying out a fair investigation based on the assumption that Bruce has worked for the company for a long time hence he cannot be the guilty one. Therefore, Cathy has a burden to prove the allegation made against Abe. Distrust of a possible misconduct on crime is an instance where the employer has the burden to provide indisputable evidence that an employee is guilty even if the conduct violates the disciplinary code. In John Lewis v Coyne4, the manner in which the store handled the disciplinary issues was placed under scrutiny by the EAT over the concerns of Coyne using the corporation telephone. It is after investigation has been conducted that Abe has been found not guilty while Bruce was the actual culprit. Therefore, Abe has a right to reinstatement, re-engagement or even compensation5. Compensation to Abe comprises of a basic award because this was a mistaken identity, which led to unfair dismissal Cathy might be ordered to pay Abe up to  £76,700. Moreover, if Abe decides to add allegation of a breach of contract, Cathy might be ordered to pay an extra  £25,000, which takes the probable compensation way up to  £101,700. In addition, since Cathy dismissed Abe unfairly it is possible for Abe to file a claim for loss in earnings and damage to image (defamation). In Addis v, Gramophone Co Ltd6 Mr Addis was unfairly and harshly discharged from his position as the manager of the defendant in Calcutta. During trial, he was given damages that exceeded the actual figure of his salary for the period he was given a notice as stipulated by law. The case in general was considered as having been ruled that the employee had no ability to be compensated for damages in connection to the manner in which the unfair discharge of duties occurred, for ruined image and feelings or for loss he may experience from the truth that by having been dismissed, it makes it hard for him to get

Friday, November 1, 2019

WTO Members - TRAMONTANA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

WTO Members - TRAMONTANA - Essay Example PATRIA, XENIA and MOLVANIA are WTO Members producing and exporting of cars to TRAMONTANA and some companies within these countries have no plans to move towards the production of recyclable cars. However the industry in MOLVANIA, produces mainly recyclable cars and plans to phase out production of non-recyclable cars shortly and MOLVANIA is considering introducing legislation modeled on TRAMONTANA's recyclable car programme. As a WTO member, TRAMONTANA has breached the obligation of the national treatment where a member should treat foreigners and local equally: Imported and locally-produced goods should be treated equally — at least after the foreign goods have entered the market. The same should apply to foreign and domestic services, and to foreign and local trademarks, copyrights and patents. This principle of â€Å"national treatment† (giving others the same treatment as one’s own nationals) is also found in all the three main WTO agreements (Article 3 of GA TT, Article 17 of GATS and Article 3 of TRIPS), although once again the principle is handled slightly differently in each of these.National treatment only applies once a product, service or item of intellectual property has entered the market. Therefore, charging customs duty on an import is not a violation of national treatment even if locally-produced products are not charged an equivalent tax. TRAMONTANA will pay $300 per recyclable car produced to any domestic car manufacturer. This first measure of its programme is against the WTO obligation of National treatment. - According to the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT): "This agreement will extend and clarify the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade reached in the Tokyo Round. It seeks to ensure that technical negotiations and standards, as well as testing and certification procedures, do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. However, it recognizes that countries have the right to establish protection, at levels they consider appropriate, for example for human, animal or plant life or health or the environment, and should not be prevented from taking measures necessary to ensure those levels of protection are met. The agreement therefore encourages countries to use international standards where these are appropriate, but it does not require them to change their levels of protection as a result of standardization." As the agreement states, TRAMONTANA does not have to change its level of protection as a result of standardization. In this case, it forbids non recyclable cars and recyclable cars from countries where non recyclable cars are produced to be imported. 2. As a response to these accusations TRAMONTANA could argue that on the opposite, they want to comply with the objectives of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade like the "Protection of Human safety and Health: The largest number of technical regulations and standards are adopted to aim at protecting human safety or health" and the "Protection of the Environment" which let to adopt this measures. TRAMONTANA can also offer a defense in explaining the set of measures is not to be adopted ate the same moment but gradually, leaving other countries the sufficient time to adapt to the new standards. 3. According to the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes article 10: Third parties Any Member having a substantial interest in a matter before a panel and having notified its interest to the DSB (referred to in this Understanding as a "third party") shall have an opportunity to be heard by the panel and to make written submissions to the panel. These submissions shall also be given to the parties to the dispute and shall be reflected in the panel